Invisible addition to a charming old home

Stealth Cottage

This early 20th-century wood frame cottage is a common type within the densely populated, historic neighborhood of South Oak Park. During the great financial crisis, the then-derelict property was hastily flipped. The subsequent owners, a preservation-minded young family, soon grew frustrated with the shortcomings of the earlier flip. In search of more space and improved build quality, they contacted Field Guide for a comprehensive overhaul.

Chief among the goals for the project were a large, contemporary kitchen plus additional bedroom space upstairs.  Just as important, however, was keeping the historic profile. Even though the property is not located in a historic district, the mandate was similar: there would be no pop-top addition. Any new work would have to be mostly invisible from the street.

The design solution maintains the majority of the original house and roof, including its distinctive attic dormer. Behind, a new two-story plus basement extends deep into the rear yard.  By keeping the addition set back, the historic front view remains virtually unchanged.  From the street, only the very top of the new two-story gable can be seen.